Sarah Penney McDonald – Nash’s Ray of Light

It’s a diagnosis that no parent ever wants to hear — your sweet, bouncy, fun-loving, child has a terminal illness and there’s no cure. But if you found out that you could have slowed the illness — maybe even kept it at bay — with a blood screen when your baby was born, your grief then might turn to anger and then to action.

Today we’re talking to a Mom taking action, about a scenario just like that. Sarah Penney McDonald’s son, Nash, had a seizure when he was 5, and shortly after that, doctors delivered a diagnosis of ALD – Adrenoleukodystrophy. A simple blood screen at birth would have prompted testing that might have slowed it down… and that’s what Sarah is trying to get for newborns in North Carolina.

Stay up to date on Nash:

Run on Nash’s Team:


Larry Frederick – RFYL

You could simply describe our next guest as a math teacher who also runs — but that would barely scratch the surface when it comes to Larry Frederick. Sure, he’s taught gifted math classes for the last 14 years, but before that, he was known to old-school Charlotte runners as the founder and owner of Run For Your Life stores (Hey, we know that place!)

And before he even opened his first Charlotte store in 1989, Larry was a runner — a very GOOD runner. His hometown paper, the Utica Observer-Dispatch, called him “one of the best distance runners ever in the Mohawk Valley” of New York, citing that in his day, he was the most accomplished marathoner ever in Utica’s history. Pretty big accomplishment! And now he’s a Charlotte guy who led the running scene for years.

Laura Morrow – Ambassador

If you need a bit of cheer, a motivating word, or a great running route around Charlotte, ask any one of our Ambassadors. The Novant Health Charlotte Marathon Ambassadors will make you want to run through a wall — (we don’t recommend that) — or at least get you out on the road putting one foot in front of the other on days your motivation falls short.

And if you want your run to be full of colorful murals, we’ve got an Ambassador who knows that too. Laura Morrow is a runner whose Instagram alternates a post about where she ran that day with a positive, inspirational, or even just funny thoughts about life. And she REALLY likes food. (That’s why we run, right?)

Matt Frazier – No Meat Athlete

In a traditional world, it is drilled into our heads that good nutrition is a balance of all food groups, which includes protein — most often lean meat. Nothing against a good piece of grilled chicken, but our next guest on the Running Around Charlotte podcast says you don’t need to eat more chicken, or even eat meat at all!

Matt Frazier is the author of No Meat Athlete, and his blogs and books chronicle the basics of being an athlete on a vegan diet — namely, it can be done! In fact, Matt says your performance will not only, “not suffer” — it will be much better. He’s perfecting his diet every day, as an athlete and as a dad.

Scott Dvorak – Charlotte Running Company

I hope you got a chance to watch the Olympics this year. It was a tough year for athletes — with an extra year of training — and less-than-ideal running conditions in Tokyo in July. We know YEARS of training go into getting to that level, to even qualify for Olympic Trials, so we thought you’d like some insight from someone who’s been there.

Scott Dvorak is known to local runners as the owner of Charlotte Running Company, but he also has a long career in running at the highest level — including Trials for the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta. He took a break from his own “running around Charlotte” to join us on our Running Around Charlotte podcast today.

Matt Dengler – RxRd Nutrition

It’s HOT outside! You might be exercising less, not drinking enough – and if you’re like us – don’t have much motivation to cook. Matt Dengler of RxRD Nutrition is here with us toay, with tips on eating (and drinking) healthy all summer long!

Magan Martignago & John Carriker – That CLT Running Couple

You may have seen our next guests on Instagram as ThatCLTRunningCouple. They met while running, and now chronicle their runs through the Queen City. Magan Martignango & John Carriker cheer on each other and their friends. And we’re happy to have them as our guests on Running Around Charlotte.

Meg Taylor – Ambassador

Our Novant Health Charlotte Marathon Ambassadors are some of the best! And while they all have running in common, they come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Today on Running Around Charlotte, we get a glimpse into the life of a pharmacist who specializes in oncology pharmacy — and even rides in the popular bike fundraiser for cancer support here in Charlotte, in addition to her running.

Meg’s 24 Foundation Fundraising Page