Sarah Connolly – Cortland

We’re excited about our remaining races in the 6 Pack Race Series and the Novant Health Charlotte Marathon. One reason is, they’re great races and we have a lot of fun. Another – and even better reason – is the money we can raise for a lot of good causes around our region.

Our Sponsors are an important part of making that happen, and this year, Cortland Apartment Living joins the party as a sponsor, with a $1,000 donation to the named beneficiary at each race! They’re also adding a little fun with the Cortland Celebration Zone at every finish line. Their support for the Six Pack and Marathon is a nice fit with their “healthy lifestyle” living arrangements at their 11 properties around the Charlotte area. But wait, there’s more to their community outreach – and Courtland’s managing director Sarah Connolly is here with us today on the Running Around Charlotte Podcast to tell us all about it.