Eric Smith – Charlotte Running Club

Spring is a great time to get back into running, or into it for the first time. One of the things that’s great about running around Charlotte (see what I did there?) is that there are plenty of great place to run, and people to run with.

Whether you’re new to the local running scene or not, the Charlotte Running Club is one of the ways you can connect with who, what, and where to run in the area. Eric Smith is a long-time member and part of the executive board there. He’s our guest today on the Running Around Charlotte podcast.

Susan Sears – Go Jen Go

We all run for different reasons, some of us enjoy a good challenge, others like to stay in shape, but for some of us running is about more than just fitness. Running can be a great way to aid causes that you are passionate about, and one of the most well-known ways to do that is by running for the cure. Running can be a great way to stay active in the new year, but when used to help members of your community overcome cancer it turns into something even greater.

This week we welcome Susan Sears from GoJenGo to the podcast. Susan and the team at GoJenGo are very familiar with the challenges that come along with a cancer diagnosis and the struggles that patients and families go through. However, they are equally as familiar with the outpouring of love and support that can come with the diagnosis as well. Let’s jump right in and hear more from Susan about GoJenGo and the work they are doing.

Erin Del Giudice – Marathon Winner

Getting to the finish line is a huge accomplishment. Getting to the finish line first even more so. But when you are watching someone else run it’s hard to know just how much it took to get there. Did you know that Erin Del Giudice was running the 2022 Novant Health Charlotte Marathon? You might know that she won it, but what about the rest of her story? If you don’t, don’t worry it was a surprise to a lot of us!

Today on the Running Around Charlotte Podcast we are joined by Erin Del Guidice the female winner of the 2022 Novant Health Charlotte Marathon. She’s here today to tell us more about her story and the years that it took to get to the finish line!

Marty Flores – Ambassador

Have you gone for a run with the Novant Health Charlotte Marathon Ambassadors? If so then you’ve had a chance to hear some of their amazing stories and be inspired! If you haven’t had a chance to run with them in person then you can always tune in here for some Ambassador Motivation.

This week we are talking with Marty Flores, one of the Charlotte Marathon Ambassadors that has been taking his fitness to the next level. Even more impressive he is pushing his limits while battling health issues.

Tim & DC – 2023 Six Pack Series

It’s that time of year again! Your resolutions are in full swing and if being more active is on your list we’ve got just the thing for you. It’s time to get ready for another year of racing and fun with our RunCharlotte Six Pack Series. Six races spread throughout the entire year to make sure that you’ll keep motivated and stay on track with your New Year’s resolutions.

This week on the podcast we are joined by Tim Rhodes, our fearless leader, to talk about all things Six Pack. The 2023 RunCharlotte Six Pack has got some great things in store so without further adieu let’s get into it.

Jacob Rutz – Marathon Winner

Have you ever considered running a marathon? For most of us just the thought of running 26.2 miles is intimidating. So intimidating in fact that only .01% of the world completes a marathon each year. Just getting to the finish line is an accomplishment that will last a lifetime. But some of us are looking for more of a challenge. Once you prove to yourself that you can finish a marathon, the next step is to see if you can do it a little faster, and somewhere down the line after days, weeks, months, and years of training you have to see if you can win one! Well our next guest on the podcast did just that!

Welcome to the podcast Jacob Rutz, the winner of the 2022 Novant Health Charlotte Marathon. He’s here to tell us more about his story, running journey, and what it’s like to win a marathon!

Hannah & Jamie Rowen – Stray Local

What do you do to pass the time while you’re out on a run? Most of you are probably saying you listen to music and if you do this is the episode for you! At the intersection of music and running you’ll find Stray Local, a husband-and-wife indie alt-pop duo of Hannah and Jamie Rowen. If you’ve been around the Charlotte Running or Brewery scenes for a while we are sure you’ve run into them, or with them.

Today on the Running Around Charlotte Podcast we are joined by Jamie & Hannah. We can’t wait to learn more about their music, upcoming projects, and track club!

Alaina Williams – Experience Director

Have you ever wondered what it takes to host a marathon? How about what makes a good expo location? Or how all of those cups get cleaned up. Putting on a race for thousands of runners isn’t easy. Not by a long shot. But when you see the smiles of people crossing their first finish line or the families standing and walking for hours to see their runner; it’s all worth it!

This week on the podcast we are talking to Alaina Williams from the Novant Health Charlotte Marathon. She’s here to answer some of your questions about what it takes to host a marathon as well as the impact the Charlotte Marathon is having in the Queen City!

Hannah Wolkenhauer – Half Marathon Winner

Finding time to train is never easy. We all know that training for any race, especially a long distance race, is not only difficult on your body, but it can also be very time consuming. Add in work, hobbies, and just living all of a sudden it might seem like there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Now imagine all of that, but instead of training to finish the race you are training to win and your job is saving lives. No pressure!

Today on the podcast we are joined by Hannah Wolkenhauer, the female winner of the 2022 Novant Health Charlotte Half Marathon. Hannah is here to talk a little about her story, her training, and what it takes to be a top athlete as well as a nurse in a Novant hospital!

Dr. Sophie McDonald – Ultra Runner

We know running is an amazing sport! So why not just keep running? You start with a mile which turns into a 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon, and then all of a sudden you are running even more than that. Running is pretty crazy like that. One day you are huffing and puffing after a mile and the next you are running an ultra marathon… of course there are a lot of years of blood, sweat, and tears between those two days.

Today we are joined by Dr. Sophie McDonald and she is here to shed some light on all of those years between mile one and being ready to run ultramarathons.