Taryn Cullen – Novant / EXOS

You’ve heard about it, and maybe even felt it – those extra pounds some of us are putting on because we now work a few steps from the fridge, and aren’t following our normal workout routine. They’ve been called the “Quarantine 15” or even the “COVID-15” – Yikes – and we need to keep them off. Taryn Cullen has some ideas to help you. She’s a Registered Dietician with Novant Health and she joins us today on Running Around Charlotte with a few simple ideas to set you back on the right path.



Blair Kitrick – Ambassador

We can’t think about running in groups right now, and we definitely can’t consider running a race with hundreds of other people…. Or can we? Blair Kitrick thinks we can… if we do it by ourselves.

Wait, what? — Yes.. Blair and her Dad are organizing a VIRTUAL 5k and 10k race to raise money for hospital masks. It’s the kind of enthusiasm about running we would expect from Blair.. since she is one of our Ambassadors for the Novant Health Charlotte Marathon. She’s also the founder of JayTalking, a non-profit focused on individual rights, and improving relationships between police and youth. Thanks for joining us, Blair.. we have a lot to talk about!


Dr. Karan Shukla – Novant

Runners… we know you’re hurting. We know you still want to go out and do your usual runs (and we’d also understand if you don’t) — but a lot has changed. We’re all worried about our health, and we’re worried about other people’s health too – and yet we still want to run, safely. Our guest today on Running Around Charlotte can help you do that. Dr. Karan Shukla is a Physician at Novant Health Randolph Family and Sports Medicine, and he’s also served as a physician in the medical tent at the Charlotte Marathon for the last three years. He understands you, runners, and he’s here to help.

Charles Willett – Runner

We all know the transformation that running can make us feel inside. Even now – or ESPECIALLY now – with Stay at Home restrictions, running gives us exercise and freedom we need for our minds and bodies, while allowing us some social distance. Our next guest on Running Around Charlotte is showing the transformation running can make on the outside. We know running is a great way to stay in shape, but Charles Willett was nearly 400 pounds before he decided to adopt a healthier lifestyle, including running. The CPA for NoDa Brewing has now lost nearly 150 pounds and counting.

Chris Elkins – Run For Your Life

You may have heard… there have been some changes around the shop. Tim is selling his interest in Run for Your Life to concentrate on running races full-time. I mean, not actually “running” them.. but working as the full time Race Director for the Novant Health Charlotte Marathon and a few other races, known as the 6-pack Race Series. But don’t worry… the shop is in good hands! Chris Elkins, already owns the University City location of Run for Your Life, and he’s buying the other two. Chris, thanks for joining us on Running Around Charlotte so we can tell folks it will be the same great store with the same great service.

Arun Kallikadavil

Just like the name sounds, a Marathon Ambassador is someone who encourages others to get excited about running — everyone from beginners trying their first 5k to experienced veterans who have run dozens of races. And of course, Ambassadors are go-getters who love people and love bringing them together to -you guessed it- run! We have one with us today on the Running Around Charlotte podcast – welcome Arun Kallikadavil!

Franklin Keathley

Since our podcast is named “Running Around Charlotte,” we love to hear from runners themselves about what motivates them, their goals, their running secrets, and their favorite places to train. We have one of those avid runners and cyclists here with us, also a board member with Charlotte Running Club, who likes to talk a bit about safe routes as well — a big welcome to Franklin Keathley!

Meagan & Kelly Fillnow – Fillnow Coaching

Good distance running requires a lot of training, as we know…. but training for running, swimming, AND cycling all at once? It takes an “Iron Man”… or “Woman”…  to do it all and win. And today on Running Around Charlotte we have not just one, but TWO Ironman champions and professional triathletes, who also just happen to share the same last name.. and at one point, even the same womb. Say Welcome to twin sisters Kelly and Meghan Fillnow, pro triathletes and owner & manager of Fillnow Coaching.

Dennis Jackson – Famous Toastery

Are you feeling lucky? Do you like to run? We have the race for you! The Famous Toastery Shamrock 4 Miler presented by Novant Health is coming up March 14th.. and we can almost guarantee you’ll be seeing green. Welcome to Dennis Jackson from Famous Toastery to tell us more.