Kerry McLaughlin – Novant Health

We all know running is great exercise, but let’s be real — it feels different during every stage of our lives. Men also experience training differently from women. Any workout you do to be a better runner is not one-size-fits-all — so our guest today on Running Around Charlotte addresses some of the nuances for women runners.

Wait, guys — you need to hear this too. If you’re married to a runner, or in a relationship with one, it’s a good idea to be familiar with the aches and pains women face as they age, or bear children, or face hormonal challenges that come with all of the above. And we have just the person to fill you in. Kerry McLaughlin is a Physical Therapist and runner who specializes in strengthening the pelvic muscles that life can really knock out of whack, especially in women.

Alessandra Ball James – everyBodies Ballet

When we think of strong, toned legs, we probably think of two types of athletes — runners, and dancers. They aren’t mutually exclusive, and our next guest on Running Around Charlotte is proof. Alessandra Ball James spent 15 seasons with the dance company at Charlotte Ballet, performing countless hours as a Sugar Plum Fairy and other incredible roles.

She also runs. (It’s true!) And she’s an entrepreneur, retiring from the ballet company in 2020 to open everyBodies Ballet with fellow dancer, Sarah Hayes Harkins. Talk about a dynamic duo! I bet they can dance circles around almost anyone in Charlotte — but Alessandra is here, instead, to talk about her running life and her new life as an entrepreneur.

Matt Dengler – RxRd Nutrition

This is a time of year we LOVE — the cold finally breaks, but the heat hasn’t overtaken us. Of course it’s a great time to run, but it’s also a great time to enjoy patio dining at our favorite restaurant or brewery! And that means, we’d better get running or we’ll start packing on a few pounds. It doesn’t have to be that way though — Matt Dengler of RxRD Nutrition is here to help keep us honest in our meals with fresh, in-season choices that don’t crash our diets.

Philip Sanford – Get Your Rear in Gear

A road race is a great way to raise money and awareness for a cause. We love that proceeds from the Novant Health Charlotte Marathon go to Hemby Children’s Hospital. Our next guest on Running Around Charlotte is not only an active runner and coach in the community, but he is the event director for a 5k with a great name — called “Get Your Rear in Gear.” The name makes a lot more sense when you hear what it’s for, and Philip Sanford will be happy to tell us all about it.

Emily Richardson – Ambassador

We always love talking to our ambassadors, especially about how they got into running. We also love that so many of our ambassadors aren’t lifelong marathoners, but regular folks who picked up running as adults and found a whole new way to grow from it.

Ambassador Emily Richardson is like that — she started running her sophomore year at Michigan State and has grown with it ever since, even sharing the sport with kids as a Girls on the Run coach at her school.

Lisa Landrum – Forward Motion XC

If you are part of Charlotte’s huge running community, or have just wanted to be, you’ve probably tapped into the wealth of information at runCLTrun. It’s not a club, but a digital platform to get people connected — a hub for gathering information, finding out how, when, or where to train or race, and has answers to a multitude of other questions runners often have.

Now its creator Lisa Landrum has found a way to help our youth runners who were disconnected from their schools and teammates during the pandemic. She created Forward Motion XC, a way for kids to keep running in small groups to prepare for high school cross country season, or just stay in shape. Lisa is with us on Running Around Charlotte to talk about Forward Motion XC and… as usual with runCLTrun, all things running.

Black Girls Run

Let’s talk for a minute about WHY we run. Of course, it’s great exercise. If we run in groups — we meet people, encourage each other, and get motivated to live our best, healthiest lives. That’s also the philosophy behind the group Black Girls RUN, whose goal it is to get African American women off the couch and connected to each other by running.

We’re DELIGHTED to have two ambassadors from Black Girls RUN here with us today on Running Around Charlotte because their message is an important one — a message that says everyone CAN and SHOULD get out and live a fit and healthy life. Welcome, Katossa Glover and Wendy Berry!

Emily Battle – Let Me Run

Most of you have heard of Girls on the Run, that awesome learn-to-embrace-running (and yourself) program that started here in Charlotte and is now an international program. You may or may not know there is a similar program for boys — started by a Girls on the Run coach — that is celebrating 13 years as an organization. It’s called Let Me Run, and has more than 50 chapters around the country. Their Executive Director is here on the Running Around Charlotte podcast to tell us all about it — Welcome Emily Battle of Let Me Run!

Anne Fechtel

There are a lot of challenges to getting out for your run — we know them all! Time, work energy, weather, family … you name it, they can all get in the way. Our next guest on Running Around Charlotte also has a few things pulling at her schedule, but she’s met the challenge and even took 3rd place at our 2019 half marathon! Meet our busy mom, Anne Fechtel.

Alaina Williams – NHCM

To say this year was a weird one, would be an understatement. But if you’re a runner — you already know that. So you probably know that presents some challenges to us at the Novant Health Charlotte Marathon. How do you get people involved in this great event while keeping them safe? What can we do to make race day special, even for runners who want to run virtually?

We knew we needed to find someone who could do that — and we did. Alaina Williams is the new Novant Health Charlotte Marathon Event Experience Director, and she comes to Charlotte with an incredible wealth of experience in that arena, and ideas to match. Welcome to Charlotte, Alaina, and welcome to the team!