Emily Richardson – Ambassador

We always love talking to our ambassadors, especially about how they got into running. We also love that so many of our ambassadors aren’t lifelong marathoners, but regular folks who picked up running as adults and found a whole new way to grow from it.

Ambassador Emily Richardson is like that — she started running her sophomore year at Michigan State and has grown with it ever since, even sharing the sport with kids as a Girls on the Run coach at her school.

Lisa Landrum – Forward Motion XC

If you are part of Charlotte’s huge running community, or have just wanted to be, you’ve probably tapped into the wealth of information at runCLTrun. It’s not a club, but a digital platform to get people connected — a hub for gathering information, finding out how, when, or where to train or race, and has answers to a multitude of other questions runners often have.

Now its creator Lisa Landrum has found a way to help our youth runners who were disconnected from their schools and teammates during the pandemic. She created Forward Motion XC, a way for kids to keep running in small groups to prepare for high school cross country season, or just stay in shape. Lisa is with us on Running Around Charlotte to talk about Forward Motion XC and… as usual with runCLTrun, all things running.

Black Girls Run

Let’s talk for a minute about WHY we run. Of course, it’s great exercise. If we run in groups — we meet people, encourage each other, and get motivated to live our best, healthiest lives. That’s also the philosophy behind the group Black Girls RUN, whose goal it is to get African American women off the couch and connected to each other by running.

We’re DELIGHTED to have two ambassadors from Black Girls RUN here with us today on Running Around Charlotte because their message is an important one — a message that says everyone CAN and SHOULD get out and live a fit and healthy life. Welcome, Katossa Glover and Wendy Berry!

Emily Battle – Let Me Run

Most of you have heard of Girls on the Run, that awesome learn-to-embrace-running (and yourself) program that started here in Charlotte and is now an international program. You may or may not know there is a similar program for boys — started by a Girls on the Run coach — that is celebrating 13 years as an organization. It’s called Let Me Run, and has more than 50 chapters around the country. Their Executive Director is here on the Running Around Charlotte podcast to tell us all about it — Welcome Emily Battle of Let Me Run!